Right now we're waiting to see if Digital Currency Group, DCG, is going to go bankrupt or if Genesis Trading is isolated. DCG is a venture capital company that owns Genesis. If Genesis goes bankrupt, which I think everybody has already priced into the market, then a lot of the lending is gone. For example, people that deposited money into Gemini Earn, that money's gone. All this money just vaporized because people were over levered on other bets and then these bets became worthless, essentially. All this money's gone. Think of it like you have a neighborhood and every house is worth $10,000, and then somebody comes in and borrows a bunch of money and says, "I'm going to offer $100,000 for every house," 10X its value. Then, eventually, the market brings that up to $1 million a house. But the true value is still only $10,000. Sudden people are not buying it for a million and the price drops all the way back down to 50,000. All that money that just got poured in ...